Sunday, September 11, 2011

September 11 On Faith

Surge of Faith

The nine eleven tragedy
Brought us together,as a nation of faith
Feeling the need to be steady
We found God in a remarkable way

Lost Moral Footing

But by nature we are foolishly vain
And we have lost our moral footing
Doing that which causes one pain
As it is God's commandments we are forgetting

The Key

The key to our happiness
Is found in excellent behavior
As that is when we are blessed
Following the path of the Savior

President Monson, Other Religious Leaders Share Thoughts on 9/11 Anniversary

A 911 Survivor

911 began as a beautiful day
The sky was blue, perfectly so
With a job for 3 months, I was on my way!
When the plane hit I was among the first to know

I was on the 85th floor working about
The building swayed and then it snapped back
There was nothing but smoke, the elevator was blown out
I was to learn later we had been attacked

We found some stairs, it was a long way down
There was an explosion when I got outside
I just kept moving, following the crowd
When a cloud engulfed, I found shelter inside

The building was gone! My floor was nowhere!
At first I felt blessed... a survivor
Then depressed...when sleep came- I longed to stay there
Desperately I needed my Savior

Some say after 911 that there is no God
But that’s when I found Him... no doubt
My life changed, I sought to be with my family a lot
Through Him, from despair, I was shown the way out

I found a new life reading the scriptures
Where I would bury myself evermore
Christ the healer could make me whole, I was made sure
Awaked to the purpose- of what life is for

The Savior suffered children to come unto Him
And I wanted to bring mine to Him also
We now read together feeling hearts soften
As a family of believers we serve Him and know...

God is there to those who have faith to search
Blessing us... unto gratitude
For my wife, kids, Bishop, and members of the church
I thank you! I was in pain and you understood

From long commutes... from a lifestyle that smothers
To life that’s worth living... and the time to bless others

Read more about V. Guzman
Whom I don't know but am grateful for!

Let the Past Teach

To let the past not teach
Would be terribly wrong
God is within reach
And America can be strong